

I originally started writing this post because I’m using the pretty awesome Evil package and decided to look into the infamous Yasnippet package to have something more convenient than looking up Org-mode’s code block syntax every time I’m adding something new to my literate Emacs configuration.

Evil uses the TAB key by default to bind its evil-jump-forward command to it. This key corresponds to both the physical tabulator key and the C-i keybinding. Binding a command to either TAB or C-i in Emacs[1] results in a command you can invoke by pressing either of these. However, in GUI Emacs instances you have an extra option, you can bind a command to <tab>. This rather curious notation is for the tabulator key symbol, a special keyboard event that is only sent by pressing the tabulator key. Binding a command to it and a different command to TAB therefore results in the former command being called upon pressing the tabulator key and the latter upon pressing C-i. This can be easily proven by enabling evil-mode in an Org file and checking the resolved commands with F1 k.

In a perfect world having both C-i and the tabulator key doing different things would work out of the box. Unfortunately this was not the case for me. Some modes bind TAB, some bind C-i, some bind both. I initially unbound TAB in Evil for having Emacs defaults exposed and later went over to a bit of keyboard wizardry to tell Emacs to discern both keybindings at the input decoding stage and defined a <C-i> symbol that way which I’ve bound to evil-jump-forward in the appropriate Evil keymap and otherwise to do what TAB would.

I assumed this would solve problems once and for all. This is where Yasnippet enters the stage. For a yet undiscovered reason it undoes my carefully set up input decoding hack. My first reaction was checking whether this was a phenomenon manifesting itself immediately after init. It wasn’t. No, it is triggered at a later point in my editing sessions and remains hard to reproduce. Searching in its sources only made me learn about yet another obscure keyboard event notation which apparently originates from Lucid Emacs. I ended up unbinding everything looking like an offending key in its keymaps and documented the not so trivial procedure of making an alternative trigger key work in my Emacs configuration.

The bug was finally gone. Still angry over what I’ve went through (in the end I had only figured out a workaround), I started reading Yasnippet’s sources. I found enough horrific things in it to compile my Top 5. Enjoy!

  1. Update the docs, damnit
(defun yas--fallback-translate-input (keys)
  "Emulate `read-key-sequence', at least what I think it does.
Keys should be an untranslated key vector. Returns a translated
vector of keys. FIXME not thoroughly tested."
  (let ((retval [])
        (i 0))
    (while (< i (length keys))
      (let ((j i)
            (translated local-function-key-map))
        (while (and (< j (length keys))
                    (keymapp translated))
          (setq translated (cdr (assoc (aref keys j) (remove 'keymap translated)))
                j (1+ j)))
        (setq retval (vconcat retval (cond ((symbolp translated)
                                           ((vectorp translated)
                                            (substring keys i j)))))
        (setq i j)))
  1. “I love it :)”
(defun yas--save-backquotes ()
  "Save all the \"`(lisp-expression)`\"-style expressions
with their evaluated value into `yas--backquote-markers-and-strings'."
  (while (re-search-forward yas--backquote-lisp-expression-regexp nil t)
    (let ((current-string (match-string-no-properties 1)) transformed)
      (save-restriction (widen)
                        (delete-region (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0)))
      (setq transformed (yas--eval-lisp (yas--read-lisp (yas--restore-escapes current-string '(?`)))))
      (goto-char (match-beginning 0))
      (when transformed
        (let ((marker (make-marker)))
            (insert "Y") ;; quite horrendous, I love it :)
            (set-marker marker (point))
            (insert "Y"))
          (push (cons marker transformed) yas--backquote-markers-and-strings))))))
  1. Troublemakers
(defun yas--indent-according-to-mode (snippet-markers)
  "Indent current line according to mode, preserving SNIPPET-MARKERS."
  ;;; Apropos indenting problems....
  ;; `indent-according-to-mode' uses whatever `indent-line-function'
  ;; is available. Some implementations of these functions delete text
  ;; before they insert. If there happens to be a marker just after
  ;; the text being deleted, the insertion actually happens after the
  ;; marker, which misplaces it.
  ;; This would also happen if we had used overlays with the
  ;; `front-advance' property set to nil.
  ;; This is why I have these `trouble-markers', they are the ones at
  ;; they are the ones at the first non-whitespace char at the line
  ;; (i.e. at `yas--real-line-beginning'. After indentation takes place
  ;; we should be at the correct to restore them to. All other
  ;; non-trouble-markers have been *pushed* and don't need special
  ;; attention.
  (goto-char (yas--real-line-beginning))
  (let ((trouble-markers (remove-if-not #'(lambda (marker)
                                            (= marker (point)))
      (condition-case _
        (error (yas--message 3 "Warning: `yas--indent-according-to-mode' having problems running %s" indent-line-function)
    (mapc #'(lambda (marker)
              (set-marker marker (point)))
;; Apropos markers-to-points:
;; This was found useful for performance reasons, so that an
;; excessive number of live markers aren't kept around in the
;; `buffer-undo-list'. However, in `markers-to-points', the
;; set-to-nil markers can't simply be discarded and replaced with
;; fresh ones in `points-to-markers'. The original marker that was
;; just set to nil has to be reused.
;; This shouldn't bring horrible problems with undo/redo, but it
;; you never know
  1. Stupid
;; FIXME: the more I look at this data-structure the more I think I'm
;; stupid. There has to be an easier way (but beware lots of code
;; depends on this).

edit: It turned out that Yasnippet was not the culprit despite its keybinding antics, here’s the commit fixing the described issue.

[1]The precise details of why C-i equals TAB are covered in catern’s blog post about terminals and keyboard input.